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How We Got Here

Hi, I’m a Health and Life  Transitional Coach.  I started this journey when breast cancer plagued both breasts.  Why me?  I thought I was doing everything right, exercising, eating right and living the best life I could.  I was in disbelief about this diagnosis.  I am that person who exercises every morning before going to work.  I ate, protein, starch, and vegetables in every lunch and dinner meals. Drinking healthy smoothies when I didn't have time to prepare breakfast.  However, I was surrounded by negative energy on my job, and this encompassed my health in a harmful way.  I remember thinking, I’m in hell!

Through this recovery journey, I learned that the words you speak and think have a more powerful impact than what you eat, and how much you exercise.  What you think and feel in your life could manifest in your health. Positive and Negative energy affects your health. 

 I had to transform my mindset, change my eating habits to restore my life and health to my optimum level. I am my best self! Cancer didn’t break me, it made me stronger and living my best life.

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Health and Life Coaching Support with Brenda
Wellness Tips
Health Talks
Virtual Group Exercises Classes for Seniors

Health and Life Transitional Coach aim to help all of our clients live the healthiest lives they can. To reach this goal, we offer a variety of services. We provide a health and fitness plan, and the positive reinforcement you need to make significant lifestyle changes.  Take a look at some of the services we offer, and please get in touch if you have any questions.



Health Begins Here

Learn how to transform your present state to your ideal being through life and health transformation.  Schedule your     "Breakthrough" session to discover what your needs are so that you can become your best self. My program focuses on individuals; there is no one size fits all.  Together we will customize a plan that works with your schedule.   With my support and guidance, I will help you grow into the person you always dreamed you could be.



All You Need

Learn about natural cures.  We offer juice recipes that will help lower your blood pressure, regulate your sugar and provide you with an abundance of energy.

Life Changing Weeds

Dandelion is a weed that can change your life!

Dandelion is a family of flowering plants that grow in many parts of the world.

They’re also known as Taraxacum spp., though Taraxacum officinale is the most common species.

You may be most familiar with dandelion as a stubborn weed that never seems to leave your lawn or garden.

However, in traditional herbal medicine practices, dandelion is revered for its vast array of medicinal properties.

For centuries, they’ve been used to treat a myriad of physical ailments, including cancer, acne, liver disease, and digestive disorders.

There are 13 potential health benefits of dandelion, and what science has to say about them.  Go to the web page and read all about the health benefits of dandelion.


Class Schedule

Green Goodness


Our success is measured by your level of wellbeing. Get in touch today and find out how we can help set you on the path to better health.

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Raw foods in a foreign country can cause significant discomfort.  
Visiting Senegal, West Africa I ate an apple, and I never think of this as raw food, but my daughter mentioned to me "be careful about the raw foods they might not agree with you."
I ate a green apple, almonds and drank bottled water, for breakfast.  Later that evening I ate an open-faced quinoa burger with pesto sauce, avocado slices, steak tomato slices, and sliced cucumbers. It was delicious, but I didn't realize that eating those raw fruits and vegetables was the same thing as drinking the water.  My stomach felt good that evening, but, the next morning my stomach was roaring. The food was running right through me.

Eat all fruit on an empty stomach

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

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