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What is a half-truth? It's a phenomenon that occurs when you speak with your doctors. Doctors provide a service but do they always tell you the whole truth? I have noticed that throughout my experiences with doctors, they tend to say a version of the truth, which I refer to as a half-truth. I had fractured my meniscus, and the doctor informed me that it was a small tear. He also told me that I could continue to ride my bike. Listening to advice, I continued to ride my bike. Months later, my knee continues to swell. Walking became difficult. There were advertisements about shooting gell into the knee to cushion the patella joint. I inquired about the treatment, and the doctor agreed that it might help. An absorbent amount of money later for the treatment, nothing changed! The knee continued to swell, making it uncomfortable to walk.

The heart doctor that I met annually for a checkup made it clear that the inflammation is an issue and needed attention. I approached the doctor with the idea that the knee needed cleaning out and then do other treatments. After surgery at the post opt, the doctor stated, " he discovered the shattered meniscus." Shattered meniscus? When did this occur? That's the half-truth! My situation went from minor tears to the shattered meniscus. There are many occasions when I have experienced this phenomenon of half-truths from my health care providers. All I'm saying is be vigilant about your health! You are the best and only advocate for your health concerns. Pressure your doctors to reveal the pros and cons in every situation about your health. Take notes and be prepared to ask the hard questions. The truth will keep you healthy.

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