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Time Keeper

Are you a good timekeeper? Time is your most valuable asset! When you give your time, that is more powerful than money. You can't get it back! Growing up, you do not understand the value or the importance of time. As a teenager, you want time to go faster, so what do we do? We lie about our age by making ourselves older than we are. We are rushing the most valuable asset we possess. Life can't move fast enough for us. We want to start living and getting into all the things that life has to offer. I remember lying about my age because I couldn't wait for the appropriate time to accomplish my objectives. Meeting people, I didn't hesitate to make myself older. I wanted to be down with the older crowd. No matter what it took. It was just a little white lie.

I'm older now and realize that I don't have a lot of time left. Laying a timeline down on the floor from one to 90, I'm closer to the nineties than the one. Where has my time gone? Now I want to reverse the lie and make myself younger. Thinking back, how much time I have wasted on relationships that had no future. Titles called marriage that was insincere. Jobs that didn't pan out. Friendships that were phony and didn't have validity. I can't get those years back. I lost countless decades of unfulfilled dreams and my valuable time. How to gauge if you are wasting time? Follow your mind. You have signals transmitting information to your brain telling something is amiss. Pay attention! Do not rationalize what's wrong. Trust your instincts. You don't have to get another person's opinion questioning what your gut is telling you, LISTEN!

How much time have you wasted? Are you giving it away too freely? Are you taking it for granted? Pay attention to how you use your time.

I asked my dad while growing up, "when am I going to have time for myself?" He responded, "you have no time." "If you do everything you are supposed to, you don't have any time!" Think about all the things you need to accomplish, but you have not allocated the appropriate time to complete the tasks. Use your time wisely!

Nowadays, a person can play a computer game for hours. My son and grandsons sit in front of the television and play games for hours. I wonder what the end goal is. Is it to be the most excellent gamer of all times? Anything practiced for that amount of hours can be considered a great use of time or a waste of time.

Value your time because it is precious! Once you use it, you never get it back. Remember, the clock is always ticking. Are you making the best of your most precious asset? Time!

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